Wishes 2024

Celebrating a Year of Triumphs and Looking Ahead to New Horizons!

Dear valued clients and esteemed partners,

As the festive season envelops us in joy and warmth, we at Cryptolex extend our heartfelt Season’s Greetings to you! It’s been an extraordinary year filled with innovation, dedication, and noteworthy achievements, and we are excited to share the highlights of our journey with you.

In 2023, Cryptolex reached remarkable milestones that underscore our commitment to pioneering solutions in the blockchain realm. We are proud to announce the successful finalization and implementation of VOIX, our cutting-edge blockchain-based voting solution designed specifically for condominiums. This revolutionary technology not only streamlines the voting process but also ensures transparency and security, redefining the way decisions are made in community living spaces (visit v01x.io).

But that’s not all! We are thrilled to share our crowning achievement of the year – the deployment of Cryptolex’s cross-blockchain solution, NTITY, on fine-jewelry products. NTITY goes beyond conventional boundaries, providing a robust foundation for Traceability, Authentication, and proof of Ownership (TAO). In the world of fine jewelry, where authenticity is paramount, NTITY emerges as a game-changer, securing the provenance of each piece and instilling confidence in buyers and collectors alike.

Finally and as the ultimate proof of the confidence shown in our NTITY Blockchain certification solution, the Masterblock Genesis Swiss watch, unique edition number 0000 fully certified on the blockchain with NTITY, was sold at public auction in Geneva on August 31, 2023 at a record price of 97,000 CHF (video of the auction by clicking this link MasterBlock)

As we bid farewell to an exceptional year, we set our sights on the future with great anticipation. 2024 is poised to be the year of scalability for NTITY, as we aim to elevate this groundbreaking solution to new heights. The coming year will witness Cryptolex taking both NTITY and VOIX to unparalleled levels, solidifying our position as pioneers in Swiss technology.

None of these achievements would have been possible without your unwavering support and collaboration. We are sincerely grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us and look forward to continuing this journey together. Here’s to a prosperous and groundbreaking 2024 – a year that promises to redefine the landscape of blockchain technology and its applications.

May your holidays be filled with joy, laughter, and moments of reflection on the remarkable strides we’ve made together. Wishing you and your loved ones a festive season filled with warmth and cheer!

Best wishes,

Your Cryptolex Team